Take the Sales Authority Home
These books and gifts reinforce Dan’s content and will help maintain momentum to apply learning, long after the meeting ends. They can help theme your event and make for wildly-unique gifts to offer the people who form the financial backbone of your organization.

50 of my funniest selling blunders with lessons learned.

The most neglected area of training in any business – language skills. Learn the psychology of influence what to adopt and avoid when you engage with others.

THE encyclopedia of best practices on sales training, including exercises to anchor learning. Must have tool for your bookshelf. Must have updates to re-design your current selling system.
Updated version coming soon! Contact Us

A comic book for salespeople? Hilarious stories, with more to come. A new edition is being created now.
Updated version coming soon! Contact Us

A better way to train B2C sellers? Best practices beats re-inventing the wheel. I developed this from modeling top performers. Upgrade your team’s skills today.
Contact Dan and he’ll share highlights on why this works so well. Contact Us

Superpower? Yes, gain access to information you’ve never before known – what others are thinking and feeling. Based on the science of Dr. Paul Ekman who you’re familiar with if you’ve seen the Fox TV Show Lie to Me or the Pixar move, Inside Out. Originally designed for law enforcement and military intelligence. Dan has re-designed this elite emotional intelligence skill for business professionals. Also an amazing, interactive workshop or keynote!
Download this at our Read Emotions website. Link: www.reademotions.com

A sweet little 32-page booklet that highlights influence skills. Quick to digest, inexpensive gift for the team.
Contach us to sample this unique gift at your big event. Contact Us
Contact Dan directly for help on quantities.