Dan  Speaks to Your Sales Team

Sales Manager or Professional

Did you notice that all the selling skills and language and strategies we grew up with don’t work as well as they used to? Here’s why.

Savvy buyers are smart, simply because of the sheer volume of salespeople assaulting them over the years. So sadly today, BUYERS ARE BETTER AT BUYING THAN SELLERS ARE AT SELLING.

See, they’ve experienced all of our techniques and therefore these are no longer techniques, but tricks. And nobody wants to be tricked.

As a sales manager, executive or entrepreneur you’re income is directly related to how well your team sells.

Sales Autopsy for Sales Professionals

World class sales managers realize their reps need to attend to a few key elements in order to understand and apply the creative art and the structural business of selling. Five of these include…

Disqualifying prospects quickly (NOT qualifying)

Realizing that opening skills are more important than closing skills

Knowing an alternative to feature benefit selling and knowing when to use it

Keying on three investments that all sales reps need to make - to become sales pros

Understanding the real purpose of our profession

I’ve collected over 600 hilarious sales horror stories. These tales point us all to common themes that need to be addressed. To that end, I’ve developed an incredibly unique and useful sales training program which can make a difference in your team, in your company and in your own future performance and income.

Buy now you have enough information to say this is something I need to look at and bring into my organization.

Please contact me for details Dan Seidman 847-359-7860 dan@salesautopsy.com.

P.S. I can teach you the #1 strategy to QUICKLY increase sales. Of all the great ideas I’ve encountered, this is IT. I hate dramatic, hype-type language, but there’s no way to describe what two of my recent clients experienced applying this than to simply say, one tripled sales activity during one week. Another landed 500 sales beyond their normal activity during their week of putting the strategy into play. Bring me and my team into train your team and we’ll do this together. And make heroes of us all.

Take me right to the sales horror stories for stark naked raving sales failure!