Dan  Speaks to Your Sales Team

Media Professional

For a very unique, humorous and insightful interview, you’ll want to contact Dan Seidman of Sales Autopsy - the sales horror story guy.

Dan has collected over 600 sales horror stories during almost 20 years of selling, managing and training salespeople.

He is the author of the #1 Business Best-selling book Sales Autopsy.

Sales Autopsy

He has created bizarre products for business people, entrepreneurs and sales professionals like, The Sales Comic Book: There is nothing like it on this planet, possibly any planet! And Revenge of the Reps, a video game.


Want to see him in action? Here is a recent interview with Selling Power Magazine publisher Gerhard Gschwandtner;

For a dynamic media experience contact Dan today.

Click here for additional information (pdf);

Take me right to the sales horror stories for stark naked raving sales failure!